A place to learn about current and past honey essences: flavours, where and when they came from, history.
'18 Spring
Sunshine & Wind
'19 Spring
Drought & Thunderstorms
'19 Summer
And Then The Rains Came (Morning Dew & Sunflowers)
The classic taste of last year’s memories in sepia.
'20 Spring: Argyle's Tropical Garden
Bees must’ve went on vacation and brought back exotic fruits.
'20 Spring: Calliope's Mocha
Deep floral scents emanate from this thick spring honey with the slightest hint of the first cup of mocha in the morning.
'20 Spring: Thalia's Caramel
This deep spring honey is as rich and delightful as freshly made caramel on the stove-top.
'20 Summer: Argyle's Caramel Apple
Bees must have got into some apples.
'20 Summer: Argyle's Lollipop
Light and fresh, just like a summer day jaunt to the park with a lollipop in your mouth.
'20 Summer: Minerva's Herbal Reserve
A very limited, special harvest. This honey is harvested using a special chamber which features little-to-no disturbance to the honey bees and retains the freshness of the honey. Outside of comb honey, this is the closest one can get to eating honey like a bee.
'20 Summer: Minevera's Song of Birth
When queens are first born, they will sing to announce their presence.
To hear baby queen Minerva sing, put on headphones, turn up the volume and listen to this https://youtu.be/4-b5KDNQXI4:
'20 Summer: Thalia's Afternoon Garden
It is a bright day. You are sitting in the garden dirt. The sun sounds like crystalline music as it bounces off the tomato leaf. Time stands still in the afternoon garden as a chonky bumble bee places its head inside a flower, almost like it is trying on the flower as a hat.
This is what the honey tastes like.
'20 Summer: Thalia's Cotton Candy
Light, white, fluffy sugar sweetness like cotton candy on the best day ever as a kid.
'21 Spring: Argyle's Ice Moon Oberon
'21 Spring: Persephone's Nebula
Captain Kirk guides the Enterprise into a nearby nebula in order to evade detection, to cloud and scramble sensors. This nebulous honey is an eclectic mixture of seasons and essences in an effort to be resourceful and cost-saving with honey that does not meet the expectations of a distinct and unique flavour. Due to the time and processes used in the creation of this honey, it represents a multitude of flowers, seasons, and colonies, and is more likely to contain elements of pollen and propolis.

The Orion Nebula, by C.R. O’Dell (Rice U), and NASA
'21 Spring: Thalia's Amber Solstice
'21 Spring: Thalia's Crystal Cream
Orbiting a distant sun in the next galaxy over, an enormous geode of crystals crack purple and shimmer as they grow ever inwards. The incredibly smooth surface of the translucent crystals serves as a platform upon which the bees craft Thalia’s Crystal Cream.
'21 Summer: Argyle's Smooth Stonecrop
Argyle’s daughter love to hang out on the sedum succulents during the hot summer days, collecting the smoothest of flower nectars to create this wonderful honey from a special stonecrop.
'21 Summer: Persephone's Clover Constellation
Clover fields make for smooth honey, light in colour and texture. Persephone’s bees love to hang out in the shade on white clover and collect the nutritious nectar.
Looking out over the yard it looks like a constellation made of clover flowers, with tiny bee visitors dancing from one star to the next.
'21 Summer: Thalia's Homestead Honey
Classic, top tier taste from the homestead. Thalia brings it home again.
'22 Spring: Electra's Malt Moon
Dark and malty. Strong flavour of Wolf Willow.
'21 Spring: Pasiphae's Wolf Willow
Dark and malty. Strong flavour of Wolf Willow.
'22 Spring: Persephone's Lightspeed
Medium dark spring honey made of dandelions and cotoneaster. Your taste buds go at warp 10 blasting through the different flowers.
'22 Spring: Thalia's Elysian Fields of Dandelions
Thalia flew to the eternal field of flowers this year, survived by a thriving colony and a handful of queen daughters. In her last season, she oversaw the creation of a dark and flavourful spring honey made of dandelions and other early blooms.
'22 Spring: Tomyris's Stardew
With a smooth, sweet taste that reminds me of the popular Argyle’s Ice Moon Oberon, this limited batch is fantastic on toast or eaten straight off a spoon.
'22 Spring: Cassiopeia's Grand Opening
'22 Summer: Cassiopeia's Special SK
Named after the acronym for the province, Saskatchewan. Special mainly because there isn’t a lot of it.
It is an early summer blend, so it’ll be the last few drops of dandelion nectar mixed with canola, blazing star flowers, as well as berry trees of Saskatoons and Chokecherries flowers. It is one of my favourite honeys from the year.
Tastes healthy, like a prairie wind. It crystallizes quickly, but is great on toast or just eaten by the spoonful.
'22 Summer: Electra's Arrow Leaf
Early summer honey from a rural yard of native prairie flowers.
'22 Summer: Nyx's Night Sky Journey
Queen Nyx brings the taste of the night sky in this wonderful early summer honey.
'22 Summer: Pasiphae's Nodding Thistle Delight
I remember being very young, running through fields of flowers. I remember beams of sunlight through evergreens. And I remember tasting the dew from nodding thistle flowers. I wondered why everyone didn’t spend the entire summer sitting in fields, sucking on flowers for their sweet treats.
'22 Summer: Persephone's Lodestar
A cosmic adventure for your tongue with Persephone’s early summer made of vegetable garden flowers and wild flowers along a creek.
'22 Summer: Tomyris's Stonecrop Delight
'22 Summer: Xena's Premium Wildflower
This is amazing honey made from a variety of wild rural flowers by mighty Queen Xena’s colony.
'22 Late Summer: Xena's Zenith
During the second half of the summer, while the sun dipped closer to the horizon, Xena raised a mighty colony. One of the most populous in the rural apiary. They collected this Zenith honey from honeysuckle, toadflax, thistles, and wild roses.
Lightly floral, mild, and sweet. One of the whitest honeys from the year. Remains uncrystallized for long stretches.
'22 Late Summer: Electra's Boogaloo
This honey has a zappy sweetness that will make you dance like these folks.

cover art for the original soundtrack to “Electric Boogaloo”
'22 Late Summer: Tomyris's Crystal Cathedral
Sitting on her wax throne, Queen Tomyris rules over her crystal cathedral colony.
Late summer nectar from a neighbourhood of ornamental gardens and succulents.
'22 Late Summer: Nyx's Divine Nectar
'23 Hemera's Herbal Reserve
'23 Lilith's Spiced Ambrosia
'23 Melinoë's Morning Dew
'24 Aura's Aurora Borealis
Queen Aura – first born of 2024, crafted a unique small batch of honey with her colony. Rays of nectar spiral over your tongue as you taste the dynamic flickers from a variety of flowers.